• 劳动人事

    Labor and Personnel

    • 为企业合规经营管理需要制定劳动用工合规管理流程,对企业日常人事管理涉及的文书等材料制定管理和保管程序,规范企业用工流程,减低法律风险。

    • 起草、审核企业人事任免管理所需出具的法律文件,如聘用合同、劳务合同等,为企业人事管理合规提供法律依据和建议。

    • 对现有的企业劳动合同进行合规审查和整理,并对可能出现的法律风险提出补救建议。

    • 根据企业的需求,对企业人事管理主要负责人及相关负责人,提供相应的劳动法律知识技能培训。

    • 针对企业产生的劳动纠纷,协助参与和解谈判、提供仲裁、诉讼的法律分析。

    • Formulate the compliance of the labor and employment management process for the management of corporate, formulate management and storage procedures for documents and other materials involved in the daily personnel management of the corporate, standardize the enterprise employment process, and reduce legal risks.

    • Draft and review the legal documents required for corporate personnel appointment and dismissal management, such as employment contracts and labor contracts, provide legal basis and recommendations for corporate personnel management compliance.

    • Conduct compliance review and collation of existing corporate labor contracts, and propose recommendations of remedy for possible legal risks.

    • According to the needs of corporate, provide corresponding training of knowledge and skills of labor law to the principal person of personnel management of corporate and related responsible persons.

    • For the labor disputes generated by corporate, assist in the participation in settlement negotiations, provide legal analysis of arbitration and litigation.