• 公司治理

    Corporate Governance

    • 为公司及其附属分公司提供法人治理建议,制定并审查公司章程,对董事的选任和决议流程进行设计,提高治理的效率。

    • 对企业的股权结构提供合理性的法律建议,避免企业因股权结构的不合理出现公司僵局、企业治理的低效率等情况,对股东会决议流程和决议内容合规进行审查。

    • 依据企业需求制定、审核相关的股权转让文件,对企业增减资事项提供合规的法律流程指引并出具相应的法律文件。

    • 对股东会、董事会决策的程序进行设计,提高决策的效率,对公司的决策内容根据情况提供法律建议,必要时可列席公司的相关会议。

    • 协助公司优化岗位责任制度和各项业务的执行操作流程,以保障执行效率。

    • 审查公司现有的管理制度,并根据公司经营管理需要协同公司业务部门制定相关的管理制度。

    • 对公司的相关经营管理事务进行监督管理,根据需要对公司公章的使用制定管理流程、对企业用工合规性进行法律风险提示、对企业债权债务提供法律风险提示及诉讼对策分析。

    • 针对企业的股权纠纷提供相应的和解谈判或仲裁、诉讼策略的法律建议。

    • Provide corporate governance advice to the corporate and its affiliates, develop and review the company's articles of association, design directors' selection and resolution processes, and improve governance efficiency.

    • Provide reasonable legal advice on the company's shareholding structure, due to company's unreasonable shareholding structure, avoid the following situations: the company's stalemate and the inefficiency of corporate governance, and review the shareholders' meeting resolution process and the content of the resolution.

    • Develop and review relevant equity transfer documents based on the needs of corporate, provide legal compliance guidelines for capital growth and reduction of corporate, and issue corresponding legal documents.

    • Design the procedures for the decision-making of the shareholders' meeting and the board of directors, improve the efficiency of the decision-making, provide legal advice on the company's decision-making content according to the situation, and attend the relevant meetings of the company if necessary.

    • Assist the company to optimize the post responsibility system and the operational procedures of each business to ensure execution efficiency.

    • Review the company's existing management system and develop relevant management systems in accordance with the needs of company's business management.

    • Supervise and manage the relevant business management affairs of the company, formulate management procedures for the use of articles of association, provide legal risk warnings for enterprise employment compliance, provide legal risk warnings and and analysis of litigation strategy for creditor's rights and debts of company.

    • Provide legal advice on settlement negotiations or arbitration, litigation strategies for corporate equity disputes.